Friday, May 18, 2007


Not really feeling too well. And I've got youth group tonight too. Praying for the Lord to make me feel better. We're continuing our study of Ephesians. But before that, we're playing sardines! Can't believe I haven't done that yet with them.

I finally saw The Protector- Tony Jaa's 2nd film release in the U.S. The story treatment is pretty good, building a story on a specific group of people in Thai history. The actual plot though is a bit weak. It had incredible action in it, but the movie was too much based on that. Still, Jaa accomplished one of his main goals in raising the bar with action/martial arts. He has a fight scene against a capoeira guy, followed by a wushu guy. In his fight scene with the x-gamers he does a back handspring onto a ledge, walks along it on his hands, then flips off it. And then there's the 4-minute shot fight scene in the casino. Amazing.

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