Saturday, June 9, 2007

out the box

Disclaimer: I am not putting down any experiences or groups that I have experiences or been a part of. These are just ideas I would like to see materialize.

I've checked out a few young adult groups the past several months. They have generally been good. Great worship music. Passionate speaking. Definitely encouraging. But painfully familiar.

Anyone who knows me knows I hardly like to do the same thing in the same way. As great as these young adults group are, I feel like they don't really make me come alive nearly often enough or as much as they should. Part of that reason is that a lot of them are pretty much the same. Worship music time. Prayer time. Speaking time. Hang out and fellowship afterwards. Again, nothing wrong with that but I have been going to church programs with the same format since high school, probably even jr. high. What if young adults could come together in different ways, different settings, but still fully devoted to Jesus Christ?

I thought about this for a bit tonight and I always have thought about it every now and then. For example, why not have bible study in a coffee shop or a bar? Getting together at a secular music show? Why not rent out a room at Vision night club and have fun there. Pray with people from the group there. Perhaps meet new people and offer to pray for them too?

Obviously some of these ideas don't really have the room to get very intimate with the Lord or deep into prayer. First off, a lot of prayer should be done beforehand. Second, one needs to make judgement calls and be accountable for certain decisions. If someone has an alcoholic problem, certainly they need to be held accountable should they choose to be at such a venue with a young adult group.

This is really just the first time I'm writing these ideas down so there will probably be more in the future. I'm sure there are some people, some groups that are doing stuff like this. They are just harder to find. Any thoughts?

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